Summary of TV Show no. 22 :Lester Robinson of the Northwoods Agency and his guest will be Richard A. Poppa, CAE, AAI President & CEO of Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York, Inc. Richard talked about the negative effect labor law 240/ 241 and worker compensation has on the New York economy. Richard reviews labor law 240/ 241 on how to change this law. Richard explains the problem this is causing with the cost of General Liability insurance in New York. Why Labor Law 240 / 241 is job & business loss, causing people to move out of the State. Richard explains how changing this is law will help jump start the economy and will make new jobs, lower taxes , and cause people to move back into the New York State to help the economy grow.
Richard A. Poppa, CAE, AAI
President & Chief Executive Officer
Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of New York, Inc.
5784 Widewaters Parkway, 1 st Floor
Dewitt, NY 13214
Phone 1-800-962-7950
Fax 1-888-432-0510
E-mail dpoppa@iiabny.org
Web Site www.iiabny.org