Northeast Holistic Health Center is excited to announce that we have expanded our Holistic Resources by opening the R.A.R.E. Institute. R.A.R.E. will provide Western New York and Southern Ontario with the first state of the art "time machine". R.A.R.E. age reversal programs actually roll back the physiological/biological clock by a decade or more, making clients stronger, more energized and functionally younger in as little at 6 weeks. Watch our website for our grand opening and announcements of additional Alternative Practitioners and programs.
Healthy mind, body, home & environment seminar presented by Lisa Anthony Mann on November 10th from 5:00 7:00pm at Northeast Holistic Center. Complimentary Organic Wine tasting & hors d' oeuvres. Join us for an informative evening that will address allergies, asthma, blood sugar imbalances, digestive issues, heart disease and struggles with weight management.