While some people are lucky enough to get a clear EVP on their first try, others might find that it takes several weeks or even months of experimenting to achieve success. World ITC says, "As you conduct voice experiments on a regular basis, the voices might get louder and clearer as your contact field (the field of thoughts, feelings and life energies between you and your spirit friends) grows stronger. It requires a clear mind, focused intent, positive thoughts, and a balanced temperament to ensure the best possible results." The World ITC website also provides information for capturing EVPs on computers and minidisc recorders.
If you thought you'd never see or hear a real ghost, think again. This Halloween you might get lucky. Explore these websites to hear what might be a ghost calling out from the void, or see one passing among the shadows. Then try the techniques presented here that could allow you to make contact in your own home. Happy ghost hunting!
While some people are lucky enough to get a clear EVP on their first try, others might find that it takes several weeks or even months of experimenting to achieve success. World ITC says, "As you conduct voice experiments on a regular basis, the voices might get louder and clearer as your contact field (the field of thoughts, feelings and life energies between you and your spirit friends) grows stronger. It requires a clear mind, focused intent, positive thoughts, and a balanced temperament to ensure the best possible result