“Merkaba” refers to an amazing light body energy field extending around the body created using a special sequence of coordinated breaths and visualizations. The physical representation of this phenomenon is a star tetrahedron consisting of two interpenetrating three-sided pyramids that form a three-dimensional Star of David. It activates the protective love of the universe while linking the mind, heart, and body.
The word “Mercaba” is made up of three smaller words – Mer, Ka and Ba that derive from ancient Egyptian texts. It is generally pronounced as if the three words were separate with somewhat equal accents on each syllable. “Mer” refers to a specific kind of light - two counter-rotating fields of light spinning in the same space. “Ka” refers to the individual spirit’s interpretation of its particular reality and “Ba” as the body or physical reality. So, the Merkaba is a counter-rotating field of light that affects spirit and body simultaneously, and has the ability to transport the participant from one dimension to another. Sensational? For sure. New Age gone haywire? You judge for yourself.
The Merkaba story starts with a person called Drunvalo Melchizedek who “walked” into his adult physical body in 1972 and who “retains full memory through different lifetimes and dimensions of consciousness.” It is he who is the person primarily responsible for bringing back knowledge of the Merkaba to human consciousness. With only 17 simple breaths combined with visualization, one can utilize the Merkaba breath meditation to take off for any dimension, constellation, past life, planet you like.
And so you won’t be taken by surprise, here’s a bit of insight to the whole process. The Merkaba - a massive geometrical figure all around the meditating practitioner - is comprised of two tetrahedrons interlocked within a sphere of pranic energy that is connected to a pranic tube running right through you. (Air surrounding each of us is filled with oxygen, hydrogen, carbon-dioxide and all the trace elements, but there is something else besides the air. The Hindus call this “prana,” the life-force energy itself.) That’s not all! On the 16th exhalation, a disc, 55 feet in diameter, flips open from the middle of the body and the sphere of energy that is centered about the two sets of tetrahedrons, forms with the disc, “A shape that looks like a flying saucer around the body. This energy matrix is the Merkaba.”
By the 17th breath, this mammoth complexity is rotating around the practitioner close to the speed of light with the upper, male tetrahedron moving counter-clockwise and the lower, female, moving clockwise.
Want to try it yourself? .
Remember. Before practicing the Merkaba, it is essential to open one’s heart to the world, and feel unconditional love. This is because the opening of the heart helps shift one’s level of thought from the physical to the emotional. As Drunvalo himself put it, “Usage of the Merkaba is a sign of our spiritual development and an aspect of the magical, mystical world we can all live in.”
“Love then is the most intelligent and creative force in the universe! It is literally the vine that ties and supports all life and creation together.