Hunt areas where there are lots of does. One of the best times to hunt trophy bucks.
Get where you have visibility. The more country that you can see, the better. Once you spot a buck and he is out of range, go to him. It seems that stalking is so much easier at this time of year. Certainly it has nothing to do with the old buck being lovesick and preoccupied with a doe!
During the rut, using a grunt call sometimes doesn't get the attention of the bucks as they are busy chasing estrus does. Therefore, put yourself in prime location to intercept a buck in his travels in looking for a doe. This is best done on rub and scrape lines.
Hunt places where the does hang out. These are usually feed areas in open terrain where big bucks normally do not visit in the daylight.
During the rut, rely really heavily on well used deer trails. Try to key on areas that does are using, because during the rut, there's a good chance a hot doe will lead one or more bucks by your stand.
Go early and stay late. This is the time of the year big bucks will most likely make a mistake. Plan your hunts to maximize your time afield during this period