More information on breathing

and make deep breathing difficult. Use a cushion behind your lower back if
you need additional support
Dirgha Pranayama - Three part breath, complete yogic Breath
This method of breathing calms the mind and enhances introversion
oxygenates the blood, facilitates complete exchange of air in the lungs.
Dirgha is done with long, slow deep breaths bringing the breath to the three
separate regions of the lungs.
1. Sit erect and relax the abdomen.
2. Place your palms on your belly and breath into your lower lungs
feeling your diaphragm drop and your bel1y expand into your palms.
Repeat several times.
3. Shift your palms to the sides of your rib cage, and breath into your
chest feeling your rib cage expand to the sides. Repeat several times
4. Place your fingertips on the front of your chest below the collarbones.
Breath into the upper part of your chest and feet your hands lifting.
Repeat several blues.
5. Combine all three in-breaths to make a Dirgha Pranayama inhalation.
6. Exhale completely, gently contracting the abdomen to squeeze out
residual air.

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