Brian Dailey, M.D., FACEP, FACFE, is an Attending Physician in Emergency Medicine at Rochester General Hospital, Rochester, NY. Dr. Dailey is a graduate of the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry. He did his training in Surgery at SUNY at Stonybrook. He is board certified in Emergency Medicine, Forensic Medicine, and Forensic Examination. He is a third degree Reiki Master with extensive experience in energetic and vibrational medicine, including the use of crystals, color, and sound therapy (including Hemi-Sync frequencies to induce altered states). He is a member of the Professional Division, and is on the board of advisors and board of directors of The Monroe Institute (TMI) in Virginia. TMI is involved in research in consciousness, and remote healing (healing from a distance). TMI supported Dr. Dailey in developing Chemotherapy Companion, Radiation Companion, and the Cancer Support Series, CD’s utilizing Hemi-Sync sound and guided imagery to assist cancer patients with their therapies and healing.