The Summary of this show is: This show will be CO-Hosted by Lester Robinson and Linda Ellson, and Special Guest Host Scott Leffler of the series. This show will review each guests testimonial. On how this series helped the guests improve lives, and open up doors of opportunity for them. Also to help teach people to reduce stress, relax, enjoy life, and become healthier and happier people in their day-to-day lives without wasting time and money. The following guests will be Dr. Tim Liffiton, Rev. Renee Karen, Larry Castellani, Deborah Rose, Steven Hartman, Kathleen Brooks, Scott Leffler, and Kirsten Blackley. Each of these guests will talk about how their lived improved, and how their field of complementary health open up to new opportunity for them to help more people to become healthier and happy by using there teaching in complementary health.