Choosing the Massage That's Right For You
There are many types of therapeutic massage each with important benefits. Just a few include Deep-Tissue, Sports, Trigger Point, Acupressure, and Swedish. Your Massage Therapist can help you determine which is best for you. Communicate your reasons for considering or scheduling a massage, and what ailments you may be experiencing, so that your Massage Therapist can administer the best techniques to achieve results and also help prevent further illness or injury.
What to Expect with Your Massage
If today will be your first time receiving a massage, or if you have had a massage before, you can expect to have:
1.An initial consultation regarding your health history, current ailments, and health goals.
2. If you are receiving a full body massage, a private room where you can undress to your own comfort level.
3. A sheet or towel to drape over you before and during your massage.
4. A Massage Therapist who wants your treatment to be enjoyable, therapeutic, and relaxing.