Stress Management
Bridge to Wellness Health Center Victoria Porfdio R.N., M.S., Ph. D Nurse Consultant and Educator 549 . 4th Street, Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14301 (716) 285-5752 I (716) 297-8091 Email: t
Stress Management
Welcome to the world of stress management. It is a wonderful introduction to help you work with your own stress, pain and illness more effectively. Techniques will be discussed and demonstrated to help you mobilize your own inner resources of mind and body for coping and moving to greater levels of health and well-being As a result of over two decades of Documented scientific research which demenstruates the efficiency of stress reduction practices for reversing the negative impact of stress on our health and personal lives we can now offer a program like this to help you cope better with the stress you have in your life
This program is especially designed for People with medical conditions such as:
1.heart disease 2.high blood pressure *cancer 3. HIV/AIDS infections *chronic pain *gastroinintestinal distress *
5. skin disorders 6. anxiety and panic disorders *job and family stress *type A behavior 7.sleep disorders 8.fatigue