Everyone needs to conduct home fire safety inspections.

Everyone needs to conduct home fire safety inspections.


Some points are:

Check fireplaces and woodstoves.

1.Carefully look up the chimney to check the flue lining that it is not cracked or have a build up of cresol. Check to make sure every component of the woodstove and fireplace are operational and not rusted through. Make sure there are no combustible materials stored within 36 inches of the fireplace, woodstove, or furnace.

2.Check the windows of the house. There are many different types of windows in houses. Make sure they operate and are large enough to escape from in case of fire. Make sure they are not painted shut.

3.Check the electrical service panel in the house. The fuses or electrical breakers are usually 15 or 20 amps. If the fuses or breakers are rated higher than 20 amps there might be a problem with that electrical line.