April 03, 2005 N. Tonawanda, N.Y
. Lester J. Robinson
271 East Avenue
Lockport, N.Y. 14094
Dear Lester, Regarding how the interview show helped my "business", as I mentioned to you on the phone, I started a Life Coaching business and got one person who approached me without solicitation and asked to meet with me regularly to talk about his life. We've been meeting now once a week for about 4 months. I haven't solicited for any other clients and I don't know if my practice will grow on not. I think however it opened up a realm of possibility for me, however, with respect to career and the role of philosophy in caring for peoples' health and lives. I've also considered a variation on Life Coaching, which could simply be a necessary particular branch of Life Coaching, namely, Health and Wellness Coaching. Of course the latter could obviously stand on its own if a client didn't really want to look into their mind, emotions, relationships or soul for that matter. I have also been invited to a couple of business classes here at the college to do a lecture/demonstration on Meditation and Health. Also, the show has opened me further and deeper to treating and re-creating philosophy as a transformational experience in which the "healing" of students is central to the "academic" experience. I believe it was the essayist, Montaigne, who said that "if philosophy is not about healing, then it's not really about anything at all." Also, the show opened me to the possibility of doing my own cable show built around philosophy and politics. I have not acted on that but it's on the back burners stewing. Thanks for writing and I hope this helps.
Yours always,
Larry N. Castellani, Ph.D.