WE MADE ITTEAM TLC! Cystic Fibrosis Walk Report! !!!!
Total so far!
We still have more money coming in!
Thank you to Jen K. for her $100.00 donation! Way to Go Arizona!!
Thank you to Brenda S. for donating over $100.00 to the team!
Thank you Neil G. for raising $37.00 in one day!
Thank you Julie for raising $30 more!
Thank you Samie L. for raising $22.00 in one day!
Thank you to Danielle for raising another&$7.00!
Thank you to the VMCCA Mid-Atlantic Region car tour that is here for a visit in Lockport, they bought the rest of the stuffed animals!
I know I have said this before ,
With out everyone's love, prayers, and support we would have never achieved our team's goal! I will send pictures of the walk to you and give you an official total! We may have to wait for the money to dry... it looks like its going to be a wet walk! LOL
Thank you again!
Love, Megan
Megan Simmons Cystic Fibrosis Walk Leader Team TLC Walk: May 20, Wilson New York 11:00 a.m. check in To Donate: copy and past link below: http://www.cff.org/Great_Strides/dspDonationPagefmalkid=4201dUser=9907