Writing a Mission Statement
One of the hardest things for people to write in a business plan is the mission statement. Mission statements can tell a lot about your business, so it's important to take time, look at some mission statement examples, and put effort into writing a good one.
What is a Mission Statement?
You should think of a mission statement as a cross between a slogan and an executive summary.
Just as slogans and executive summaries can be used in many ways so too can a mission statement. An effective mission statement should be able to tell your company story and ideals in less than 30 seconds.
How should I write a Mission Statement?
Here are some basic guidelines in writing a mission statement:
- · A mission statement should say who your company is, what you do, what you stand for and why you do it.
- · An effective mission statement is best developed with input by all the members of an organi zation.
- · The best mission statements tend to be 3-4 sentences long.
- · Avoid saying how great you are, what great quality and what great service you provide.
- · Examine other company's mission statements, but make certain your statement is you and not some other company. That is why you should not copy a statement.
- · Make sure you actually believe in your mission statement, if you don't, it's a lie, and your customers will soon realize it.