Are you sure that your new mobility equipment is properly insured?
Please take a moment to review some of the Frequently Asked Questions below about insuring your mobility device.
If you had suffered an accident, vandalism or theft would your mobility equipment be correctly covered?
- Does your insurance company offer a mobility program?
- Does your insurance company have a team set up to meet your mobility needs?
- Does your insurance company understand your personal mobility needs?
- What is your insurance company’s personal action plan when you have an insurance claim?
- What questions did your insurance company ask you about
- Covering your mobility equipment, what amount
- Rental Coverage
- Towing Coverage
- Coverage limits
- How does your insurance company set up your personal mobility insurance program
- What is their process for updating your mobility records?
If you answered no to any of these questions or are unsure about your coverage you can call Les Robinson, Mobility Insurance Specialist with questions and find out more about how to properly cover your mobility equipment.
Call Les Robinson Mobility Specialist at 716-634-5656 ext. 3014
Our job is to help you be correctly covered, for all your mobility insurance needs.
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