
VITAMINS: All natural vitamins are organic food substances found only in living things, that is, plants and animals. With few exceptions the body cannot manufacture or synthesize vitamins. They must be supplied in the diet or in dietary supplements. Vitamins are essential to the normal functioning of our bodies. They are necessary for our growth, vitality, and general well-being.
HOW THEY WORK: A lot of people think vitamins can replace food. They cannot. In fact, vitamins cannot be assimilated without ingesting food. That is why we suggest taking them with a meal. Vitamins help regulate metabolism, help convert fat and carbohydrates into energy, and assist in forming bone and tissue.



1. Vitamin Product Reviews
·A Review of Popular Vitamin Brands
There are so many vitamins on the market today, and with so many different formulations and hype, it is hard to determine which vitamins are worth buying. We have reviewed commonly available vitamins and ranked them according to price, ingredients and other common factors to determine our top picks for value and formulation
·2. Why are Vitamins Doctor Recommended?
·Why Take Supplemental Vitamins?
Why even bother taking vitamins at all? Everday, thousands are discovering the benefits of vitamins. Even the American Medical Association strongly recommends everybody take a basic daily multivitamin. Explore why vitamins are so beneficial to daily life.
·Vitamin Deficiencies
Check the label on many "fortified" foods. You may see some basic vitamins that have been added, but remember that processing, heat and light destroys many vitamins. Plus, you need to keep in mind that the actual level of vitamins you actually need in many cases can far exceed the basic US RDA requirements.
·Can Vitamins Prevent Disease?
Vitamins act as powerful preventative measures against disease and the aging process, not to mention their critical function for healthy living. Learn what vitamins can help you live longer and help stave off disease. Why Can't Your Body Just Make Vitamins?
Why do we have to find vitamins from other sources? Why can some other animals manufacture their own vitamins? Humans are extraordinarily complex and we have advanced dietary needs that are simply unmet by today's diets. Quite simply, the typical human diet has "evolved" far quicker than our bodies have been able to keep
·Daily Multivitamin
The benefits of a daily multivitamin are far too numerious to mention. Entire college level courses could be taught on this subject and only scratch the surface, but let's take a look at some of the common benefits to meeting your basic nutritional needs.
·Antioxidant Vitamins for Seniors
Seniors have special dietary needs, particularly because as we age our bodies produce and use vitamins much less efficiently. Antioxidants can help stave off cellular damage and help our cells live longer. Explore the various antioxidant properties of these vitamins.
·CoQ10 For A Healthy Heart
CoQ10 a vital component of the mitochondria, the cell's energy powerhouses. CoQ10 helps prevent heart disease, boosts cellular energy production thereby improving heart function, and prevents the formation of free radicals to help protect your body cells. Research about CoQ10 is just now coming to the United States, although it has been a staple in european countries for years.
·Illicit Drugs and Vitamins
Illicit drugs (as well as alcohol and tobacco) severely disrupt vitamin intake, absorption and use. Vitamin supplementation is essential to replace the lost vitamins and minerals when you smoke, drink or use illicit drugs. Here's why
·Specific Vitamins Needs for Children
Growing children have critical vitamin needs as they grow up and age, and today's junk and fast food frequently leaves their vitamin needs completely unmet. Find out what vitamins are important for growing kids to have so their bodies have the raw materials needed to let them grow to their fullest and best potential. (by Dr. George Obikoya)
3. Role of Vitamins in Nutrition
·Role of Vitamins in Nutrition
Vitamins play a critical role in nutrition, by providing catalysts for many of the body's reactions. Lets explore just how crucial a role vitamins have in your body's everyday workings.
·General Vitamin Information
Vitamins are any of several organic substances that usually are separated into water-soluble (e.g., the B vitamins, vitamin C) and fat-soluble (e.g., vitamins A, D, E, K) groups
·Natural vs Synthetic Vitamins
Most foods that are "fortified" or contain vitamins that have been added back contain the cheap, synthetic vitamin forms. Natural vitamins, on the other hand, are slightly more expensive but offer in some cases work hundreds of times better.
4. Expert Knowledge
·Can you Overdose on Vitamins?
There are certain levels of vitamins that you may want to avoid. For example, you can overdose on iron, and children are especially susceptible. Most vitamins (with the exception of fat soluble ones) can be taken in relatively high doses, (and most multivitamins will limit those for you) but you may want to be aware of these vitamins in particular
Multivitamin Product Reference
A good multivitamin is the foundation of health and nutrition. Take a look at our scientific reviews of many of the popular brands for factors such as ingredients, areas of improvement, quality level, and overall value

Natural versus synthetic vitamins
Many of today's vitamin and mineral supplements are made synthetically through chemical processes, rather than derived directly from plants or other materials. Some manufacturers do make supplements directly from natural sources, and claim that these vitamins are superior in quality to their synthetic cousins.
Are natural vitamins better than synthetic ones?
The distinction between "synthetic" and "natural" vitamins can be confusing. A better question is whether the resulting molecular structure is the same as the corresponding structure found in nature.
When the synthetic molecule is identical to the form derived from natural sources, both forms will be indistinguishable from each other in all aspects -- including their function and effects in the human body.
In addition, the same natural vitamin derived from different natural sources or raw materials will be the same (provided that no other substances unique to that particular source are included).
Vitamin C
For example, vitamin C found and isolated from oranges is identical to vitamin C derived from other plant sources, largely because plants containing vitamin C biosynthesize the substance in the same manner.
Vitamin E
On the other hand, the d- form of vitamin E derived from vegetable oils and other natural sources is different from the dl- form (which is often called the synthetic form). The dl- tocopherols are actually a mixture: the d-form and the l-form (usually a 1:1 mixture). The human body uses only the d- form. The l- form, when present, does not confer any known health benefit and is normally excreted by the body. So, in essence, when consuming the dl- form of vitamin E, you obtain an effective dose of about half the vitamin E dosage reported on the label.
Other nutrients
Aside from this precaution, most synthetically made vitamins and many other nutrients are either identical to their "wild-type" counterparts (extracted from natural sources), or easily convert to the wild-type in the human body. Also, most synthetic vitamins and nutrients are both cheaper and purer, with less potential for contamination.
Quality in vitamins and nutrients is extremely hard to quantify. One should not rely on claims of "better quality" unless some definition of that term is given, together with some measurement data.
The list of ingredients and their amounts is the most important aspect of comparative analysis. If that list is approximately equivalent, then price should be your guide, unless you are given some clear and objective information about why the "natural" one is better.

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