No Pain, No Strain Stop smoking easy

No Pain, No Strain Stop smoking

Learning to live without cigarettes is difficult but hardly impossible. People who never thought they could do it now live smoke-free lives. Here are some tips that can help you or someone you care about kick the habit for good.


Try to stop smoking cold turkey, this method works best for most people. You can also try tapering off by cutting down on your cigarettes only half of each one.
·  Destroy all cigarettes and clean out your ashtrays. Use your favorite lighter to light candles or burn incense instead of cigarettes.
·  Buy plenty of sugarless gum, lollipops, and raw vegetables to munch on. Hold on to a pencil, some Silly Putty or a small ball or toy, to keep your hands busy and cigarette-free.
·  Drink lots of water and fruit juice. Use a straw so you can satisfy the urge to hold a cigarette in your mouth.
·  Exercise to relieve stress and tension. Walking, sports, and aerobics will be much easier now that you're smoke-free.
·  Change your habits related to smoking. Eat your meals in a different place or in the non-smoking section, watch T.V. in a different chair, study in a library or another smoke-free place, doodle while talking on the phone, hang out with people who support you in your effort to give up cigarettes.
If you are going to a party or bar decide not to smoke beforehand and ask someone you trust to help you stick to your decision. Avoid drinking excessively as this may fog your judgment.
·  Whenever you feel the urge to reach for a cigarette, stop and take some deep breaths of clean, fresh air and hold them in for a few seconds. Call a friend to give you support.
·  Know before you quit that you may gain a few pounds at first although 2/3 of people who choose to stop smoking do not gain any weight. Decide that a few pounds are not as bad as wrinkles, yellow teeth, and health problems that cigarettes cause.
Save the money you would have spent on cigarettes in a jar and at the end of the month buy yourself something special with it. If you smoked a pack a day you will have saved $832.25 after a year of not smoking, that's $15.75 in your pocket each week.