Anne Marie Worthy, M.A.,D.T.R. is a psychotherapist specializing in Energy Medicine.

Anne Marie Worthy, M.A.,D.T.R. is a psychotherapist specializing in Energy Medicine.


Anne Marie Worthy, M.A.,D.T.R. is a psychotherapist specializing in Energy Medicine.
$240.00 (discount for early registration) In the temples of many ancient cultures priestesses danced - they danced to receive and transmit the love and healing energy of the Goddess to those gathered to be healed, and to the larger community. This eight week class, based on transmitted messages from the Goddess Isis, revives the secrets of the dancing priestesses. In each session we will recreate the atmosphere of the ancient temples. We will open ourselves through dance and sound to become vessels of healing energy - for ourselves, our loved ones, and the earth.


For more information please visit our website at